Sunday, March 11, 2007

IXI.... nas entrelinhas........

Eu tenho tanto pra falar......
mas deixa pra lah...
não quero agora!!!

me dê asas e me deixe voar................

falta de paciência pra escrever..... >/

eu quero uma música..... mas qual?????? O.o


Offer - Alanis


Who am I to be blue

Look at my family and fortune

Look at my friends and my house


Who am I to feel deadend

Who am I to feel spent

Look at my health and my money

And where

Where do I go to feel good

Why do I still look outside me

When clearly I've seen it won't work

Is it my calling to keep on when I'm unable

And is it my job to be selfless extraordinary

And my generosity has me disabled

By this my sense of duty to offer

And why

Why do I feel so ungrateful

Me who is far beyond survival

Me who see life as an oyster

Is it my calling to keep on when I'm unable

And is it my job to be selfless extraodinary

And my generosity has me disabled

Why this my sense of duty to offer

And how

How dare I rest on my laurels

How dare I ignore an outstretched hand

How dare I ignore a third world country

Is it my calling to keep on when I'm unable

And is it my job to be selfless extraodinairy

And my generosity has me disabled

By this my sense of duty to offer


Who am I to be Blue

[ Música certa!!! O.o ]


Marcela said...

Bom, se eu entendesse a traduçao talvez eu poderia dizer se concordo com vc sobre ela ser a musica certa ou nao, mas se vc diz....

Roby said...


Boa, Marcela =)
Se eu entendesse tbm poderia dizer...

Enfim, to aki só pra deixar minha markinha msm... Eu mal entro nos blogs de vcs, né?!
Prometo q vou ser mais "legal".. *rs

Claro q aceito a sua, e a de todas as Supers, lá no meu Blog tbm, ta? =P

Bju grande pra ti, Taty...

"Acorde arrependido, mas não durma com vontade"

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"PROCURO-ME" Não sei quem sou...